Meet Team E3 Racing Winner Steve Shaw, Jr.

Team E3 Racing Winner Steve Shaw's #62 car

You know a young racer’s got promise when he wins eight races, including two feature wins, in his rookie season. That was in 2003. Today, Team E3 Racing Tier 2 member Steve Shaw, Jr. is still winning and still learning.

Stock Cr Racer and Team E3 Racing Winner Steve Shaw, Jr.

Shaw first started his competitive stock car racing career in the Econo Division at South Buxton Raceway near his hometown Merlin, Ontario, Canada. After a fantastic first season, he ran a limited schedule until 2006 when he shared a limited late model with his racing father, Steve, Sr. and picked up two more wins. One of those wins was a feature and the two-man team finished the season third in points.

In 2010, Shaw joined the Rick Hornick Racing Team and got busy building a Mod-4 car. He also married his longtime love Megan, with whom he has three beautiful daughters today. The next year would prove his most successful yet. He racked up 12 wins and hit his first Mod-4 race at Delaware Speedway near London, Ontario. The 2011 season wrapped with Shaw landing a full scholarship to Race 101 School for 2012.

Founded by veteran racer, crew chief and mentor Tony Blanchard, Race 101 helps up and coming racers develop all the necessary facets of developing their careers, from mechanics to marketing strategies. Shaw committed to hitting the books before hitting the tracks again and already believes his game is improving.

“I’ve learned a lot I didn’t know in a short period of time,” he says. “It’s very insightful into motorsports.”

That willingness to learn despite already having a decade of racing experience under his belt is one of the characteristics that impressed judges most when choosing the Team E3 Racing winners. We’re already impressed with his skill, but we’re expecting even bigger things when Shaw returns to the track this summer.


A worker wearing a bright shirt and hat drives a rideable lawn mower through a park field with trees in the distance.
A spark plug ignition in a gas mixture process. The gas on the left appears orange, and the right appears blue.
A well dressed man standing in front of his car's open hood. There is an open field and trees in the background.
A blue pickup truck is parked under the shade of some trees on a sunny day, in what appears to be a countryside.