Fancy Scientific Study Proves it – Your Spouse is the Most Annoying Driver You Know

Who who’s the most annoying driver you know? Chances are, it’s your loving spouse, a new poll shows.

Well, here’s a “whodathunk?” for the ages. A new study proves that your loving husband or wife is, in fact, the most annoying driver you know. Results of a poll of 2,000 adult licensed drivers by spelled out a few info tidbits that, frankly, we here at E3 Spark Plugs didn’t need a fancy scientific survey to know. We bet you didn’t either.

But just for formality’s sake, here’s the statistical lowdown…

When asked to rat out the most annoying driver they know, respondents answered:

  •  My spouse – 36 percent
  • My friend – 22 percent
  • Mom – 16 percent
  • Dad – 9 percent
  • Other – 8 percent
  • My teen son – 5 percent
  • My teen daughter – 4 percent

We have no idea who “other” might be or why they wouldn’t be identified.  Maybe folks were afraid of getting canned if they ID’ed their bosses as the drivers who most drove them batty, or of setting off Crazy Uncle Bob. In any case, the top three grievances were following too closely (14 percent), speeding like a NASCAR wannabe (13 percent) or creeping along like a scene out of Driving Miss Daisy (10 percent).

Perhaps the most interesting bit was a rundown of the way we react to said annoyers. A full 42 percent of respondents admitted they’re all too happy to inform drivers of their vexatious ways and, perhaps, offer a few helpful tips. Twenty percent sucked it up and uttered nary a peep. Sixteen percent busted out the dramatics, grabbing the dashboard or door handle – a bit passive aggressive, if you ask us. And 11 percent straight up screamed.

So which are you – the annoyer or the annoyed? The quiet one or the drama queen? Post your thoughts on the E3 Spark Plugs Facebook Fan Page.


A well dressed man standing in front of his car's open hood. There is an open field and trees in the background.
A blue pickup truck is parked under the shade of some trees on a sunny day, in what appears to be a countryside.
A young man inspects the internal components of an ATV between the crevice near the front of the vehicle.
The internal components of an exposed watercraft engine are visible, with a jet ski positioned in the background.